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1.创建一个空的布局文件 .xib

1 new File -->User Interface -->选择View2 创建一个空的view ,会自动生成一个 .xib的文件


   注意:记得设置"Custom Class"中的 Class属性 与我们的代码文件 .h .m (Cocoa Touch Class文件 )相关联

3.创建我们的Cocoa文件(Cocoa Touch Class文件)

  继承 <UIKit/UIKit.h> 包种的 UIView类


1 #import 
2 @class CZApp; 3 4 5 @interface CZAppView : UIView 6 7 @property (nonatomic,strong) CZApp *model; 8 9 //为自定义view封装一个类方法,这个类方法的作用就是创建一个view对象10 +(instancetype) appView;11 12 @end


1 #import "CZAppView.h" 2 #import "CZApp.h" 3 @interface CZAppView() 4 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *imgViewIcon; 5 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *lblName; 6 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *btnDownload; 7 - (IBAction)btnDownloadClick:(UIButton *)sender; 8  9 @end10 @implementation CZAppView11 +(instancetype) appView{12     //1.通过xib创建每一个应用(UIView)13     //通过动态加载xib文件创建里面的view14     //1.1>找到应用的根目录15     NSBundle *rootBundle =[NSBundle mainBundle];//NSLog(@"%@",[mainBundle bundlePath]);16     //1.2>在应用程序根目录下取搜索对应的Xib(nib)文件17     return [[rootBundle loadNibNamed:@"CZAppView" owner:nil options:nil]lastObject];18 }19 //重写model属性的set方法20 -(void)setModel:(CZApp *)model{21     //先赋值22     _model = model;23     24     //解析模型数据,把模型数据赋值给UIView中的各个子控件25     self.imgViewIcon.image = [UIImage imageNamed:model.icon];26     self.lblName.text=model.name;27 }28 //下载按钮的单击事件29 - (IBAction)btnDownloadClick:(UIButton *)sender {30     //1.禁用当前被点击的按钮31     sender.enabled = NO;32     33     //2.弹出一个消息提醒框(这个消息提醒框其实就是一个UILable)34     UILabel *lblMsg = [[UILabel alloc]init];35     //2.1 设置lblMsg的显示文字36     lblMsg.text=@"正在下载....";37     //2.2 设置lblMsg的背景色38     lblMsg.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];39     //2.3设置lblMsg的frame40     CGFloat viewW = self.superview.frame.size.width;41     CGFloat viewH = self.superview.frame.size.height;42     CGFloat msgW = 200;43     CGFloat msgH = 30;44     CGFloat msgX= (viewW -msgW)/2;45     CGFloat msgY = (viewH - msgH)*0.5;46     lblMsg.frame=CGRectMake(msgX, msgY, msgW, msgH);47     //2.4设置label的文字颜色48     lblMsg.textColor = [UIColor redColor];49     //2.5设置label居中显示50     lblMsg.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;51     //2.6设置文字粗体52     lblMsg.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:17];53     //2.7设置label的透明度54     lblMsg.alpha = 0.0;//一开始把透明度设置为0 ,然后通过动画的方式慢慢的改变透明度55     //2.8 设置Label为"圆角"56     //设置四个角的"半径"57     lblMsg.layer.cornerRadius =10;58     //把多余的部分裁剪掉59     lblMsg.layer.masksToBounds =YES;60     //2.9通过动画的方式来显示Label61 //    [UIView animateWithDuration:2.0 animations:^{62 //        lblMsg.alpha =0.6;63 //    }];64     65     //开启一个动画,这个动画要执行1.5秒66     [UIView animateWithDuration:1.5 animations:^{67         //动画代码:将透明度变为0.668         lblMsg.alpha = 0.6;69     } completion:^(BOOL finished) {70         if(finished)71         {72             //这个代码的含义是,隔一段时间后再启动另外一个动画73             //这个动画的执行时间是1.5秒,但是这个动画会在1.0秒之后再开始执行74             //UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear表示是均速执行动画75             [UIView animateWithDuration:1.5 delay:1.0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear animations:^{76                 //这个动画的代码77                 lblMsg.alpha = 0;78             } completion:^(BOOL finished) {79                 if(finished){80                     //当Label的透明度变为0以后,再把这个Label从view中移除81                     [lblMsg removeFromSuperview];82                 }83             }];84         }85     }];86     //3.把lblMsg加到控制器所管理的那个view上87     [self.superview addSubview:lblMsg];88     89 }90 @end


4.由于我们加载的图片和名称都是来源 .plist文件

   所以我们设置一个"模型" 来导入.plist文件


1 #import 
2 3 @interface CZApp : NSObject4 @property(nonatomic,copy) NSString *name;5 @property(nonatomic,copy) NSString *icon;6 7 -(instancetype)initWithDict:(NSDictionary *)dict;8 +(instancetype)appWithDict:(NSDictionary *)dict;9 @end


1 #import "CZApp.h" 2  3 @implementation CZApp 4 -(instancetype)initWithDict:(NSDictionary *)dict{ 5     if(self=[super init]){ 6         self.name=dict[@"name"]; 7         self.icon=dict[@"icon"]; 8     } 9     return self;10 }11 +(instancetype)appWithDict:(NSDictionary *)dict{12     return [[self alloc]initWithDict:dict];13 }14 @end


1 #import "ViewController.h" 2 #import "CZApp.h" 3 #import "CZAppView.h" 4  5 @interface ViewController () 6  7 //用来保存所有应用的数据 8 @property(nonatomic,strong)NSArray *apps; 9 10 @end11 12 @implementation ViewController13 14 //重写apps属性的get方法,进行懒加载数据15 -(NSArray *)apps{16     if(_apps == nil){17         //加载数据18         //1.获取app.plist文件在手机上的路径19         NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"app.plist" ofType:nil];20         21         //2.根据路径加载数据22         NSArray *arrayDict = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:path];23         24         //3.创建一个可变数据用来保存一个一个的模型对象25         NSMutableArray *arrayModels = [NSMutableArray array]; //一个空的可变数组26         27         //4.循环字典数组,把每个字典对象转换成一个模型对象28         for(NSDictionary *dict in arrayDict){29             //创建一个模型30             CZApp *model = [CZApp appWithDict:dict];31             32             //把模型加到arrayModels中33             [arrayModels addObject:model];34         }35         _apps = arrayModels;36     }37     return _apps;38 }39 40 - (void)viewDidLoad {41     [super viewDidLoad];42     43     //假设每行的应用的个数44     int columns = 3;45     46     //获取控制器所管理的view的宽度47     CGFloat viewWidth = self.view.frame.size.width;48     49     //每个应用的宽和高50     CGFloat appW = 75;51     CGFloat appH = 90;52     CGFloat marginTop =30;//第一行距离顶部的距离53     CGFloat marginX = (viewWidth - columns *appW)/(columns+1);54     CGFloat marginY = marginX;//假设每行之间的间距与marginX相等55     56     for(int i=0;i






1.修改启动的launchscreen 以及应用小图标icon



然后修改项目General中的APP Icons and Launch Image

1.先创建模型用于导入 .plist数据


1 #import 
2 3 @interface CZQuestion : NSObject 4 5 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *answer; 6 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *icon; 7 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *title; 8 @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *options; 9 10 11 - (instancetype)initWithDict:(NSDictionary *)dict;12 + (instancetype)questionWithDict:(NSDictionary *)dict;13 14 15 @end


1 #import "CZQuestion.h" 2  3 @implementation CZQuestion 4  5 - (instancetype)initWithDict:(NSDictionary *)dict 6 { 7     if (self = [super init]) { 8         self.answer = dict[@"answer"]; 9         self.title = dict[@"title"];10         self.icon = dict[@"icon"];11         self.options = dict[@"options"];12     }13     return self;14 }15 16 + (instancetype)questionWithDict:(NSDictionary *)dict17 {18     return  [[self alloc]initWithDict:dict];19 }20 @end


1 #import "ViewController.h"  2 #import "CZQuestion.h"  3   4   5 @interface ViewController () 
6 7 // 所有问题的数据都在这个数组中 8 @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *questions; 9 10 // 控制题目索引, 类型的int类型属性, 默认没有赋值一开始就是0 11 @property (nonatomic, assign) int index; 12 13 // 记录头像按钮原始的frame 14 @property (nonatomic, assign) CGRect iconFrame; 15 16 17 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *lblIndex; 18 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *btnScore; 19 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *lblTitle; 20 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *btnIcon; 21 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *btnNext; 22 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *answerView; 23 @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *optionsView; 24 25 26 27 // 用来引用那个“阴影”按钮的属性 28 @property (weak, nonatomic) UIButton *cover; 29 30 - (IBAction)btnNextClick; 31 32 - (IBAction)bigImage:(id)sender; 33 34 // 头像按钮的单击事件 35 - (IBAction)btnIconClick:(id)sender; 36 37 // 提示 38 - (IBAction)btnTipClick; 39 40 41 @end 42 43 @implementation ViewController 44 45 46 // 懒加载数据 47 - (NSArray *)questions 48 { 49 if (_questions == nil) { 50 // 加载数据 51 NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"questions.plist" ofType:nil]; 52 NSArray *arrayDict = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:path]; 53 NSMutableArray *arrayModel = [NSMutableArray array]; 54 55 // 遍历把字典转模型 56 for (NSDictionary *dict in arrayDict) { 57 CZQuestion *model = [CZQuestion questionWithDict:dict]; 58 [arrayModel addObject:model]; 59 } 60 _questions = arrayModel; 61 } 62 return _questions; 63 } 64 65 66 // 改变状态栏的文字颜色为白色 67 - (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle 68 { 69 return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent; 70 } 71 72 // 隐藏状态栏 73 - (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden 74 { 75 return YES; 76 } 77 78 79 - (void)viewDidLoad { 80 [super viewDidLoad]; 81 82 83 // 初始化显示第一题 84 self.index = -1; 85 [self nextQuestion]; 86 87 } 88 89 - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { 90 [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; 91 // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. 92 } 93 94 // 点击下一题 95 - (IBAction)btnNextClick { 96 97 // 移动到下一题 98 [self nextQuestion]; 99 }100 101 // 显示大图102 - (IBAction)bigImage:(id)sender {103 104 // 记录一下头像按钮的原始frame105 self.iconFrame = self.btnIcon.frame;106 107 // 1.创建大小与self.view一样的按钮, 把这个按钮作为一个"阴影"108 UIButton *btnCover = [[UIButton alloc] init];109 // 设置按钮大小110 btnCover.frame = self.view.bounds;111 // 设置按钮背景色112 btnCover.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];113 // 设置按钮透明度114 btnCover.alpha = 0.0;115 116 // 把按钮加到self.view中117 [self.view addSubview:btnCover];118 119 // 为阴影按钮注册一个单击事件120 [btnCover addTarget:self action:@selector(samllImage) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];121 122 123 // 2. 把图片设置到阴影的上面124 // 把self.view中的所有子控件中, 只把self.btnIcon显示到最上层125 [self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.btnIcon];126 127 // 通过self.cover来引用btnCover128 self.cover = btnCover;129 130 131 // 3. 通过动画的方式把图片变大132 CGFloat iconW = self.view.frame.size.width;133 CGFloat iconH = iconW;134 CGFloat iconX = 0;135 CGFloat iconY = (self.view.frame.size.height - iconH) * 0.5;136 137 [UIView animateWithDuration:0.7 animations:^{138 // 设置按钮透明度139 btnCover.alpha = 0.6;140 141 // 设置图片的新的frame142 self.btnIcon.frame = CGRectMake(iconX, iconY, iconW, iconH);143 }];144 }145 146 // 头像按钮的单击事件147 - (IBAction)btnIconClick:(id)sender {148 if (self.cover == nil) {149 // 显示大图150 [self bigImage:nil];151 } else {152 [self samllImage];153 }154 }155 156 // 点击"提示"按钮157 - (IBAction)btnTipClick {158 // 1. 分数-1000159 [self addScore:-1000];160 161 162 // 2. 把所有的答案按钮"清空"(其实这里的"清空"最好是调用每个答案按钮的单击事件)163 for (UIButton *btnAnswer in self.answerView.subviews) {164 // 让每个答案按钮点击一下165 [self btnAnswerClick:btnAnswer];166 }167 168 // 3. 根据当前的索引, 从数据数组中(self.questions)中找到对应的数据模型169 // 从数据模型中获取正确答案的第一个字符, 把待选按钮中和这个字符相等的那个按钮点击一下170 CZQuestion *model = self.questions[self.index];171 //截取正确答案中的第一个字符"字符串"172 NSString *firstChar = [model.answer substringToIndex:1];173 174 // 根据firstChar在option按钮中找到对应的option 按钮, 让这个按钮点击一下175 for (UIButton *btnOpt in self.optionsView.subviews) {176 if ([btnOpt.currentTitle isEqualToString:firstChar]) {177 [self optionButtonClick:btnOpt]; // 设置某个option 按钮点击一下178 break;179 }180 }181 }182 183 184 // "阴影"的单击事件185 - (void)samllImage186 {187 [UIView animateWithDuration:0.7 animations:^{188 // 1. 设置btnIcon(头像)按钮的frame还原189 self.btnIcon.frame = self.iconFrame;190 // 2. 让"阴影"按钮的透明度变成0191 self.cover.alpha = 0.0;192 } completion:^(BOOL finished) {193 if (finished) {194 // 移出"阴影"按钮195 [self.cover removeFromSuperview];196 // 当头像图片变成小图以后, 再把self.cover设置成nil197 self.cover = nil;198 }199 }];200 }201 202 203 // 实现UIAlertView的代理方法204 - (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex205 {206 // NSLog(@"%ld", buttonIndex);207 if (buttonIndex == 0) {208 // 让程序在回到第0个问题209 self.index = -1;210 [self nextQuestion];211 }212 }213 214 215 216 // 下一题217 - (void)nextQuestion218 {219 // 1. 让索引++220 self.index++;221 222 // 判断当前索引是否越界, 入股索引越界, 则提示用户223 if (self.index == self.questions.count) {224 //NSLog(@"答题完毕!!!!");225 226 // 弹出一个对话框227 UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"操作提示" message:@"恭喜通关!" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"确定" otherButtonTitles:nil];228 229 // 显示对话框230 [alertView show];231 return;232 }233 234 235 // 2. 根据索引获取当前的模型数据236 CZQuestion *model = self.questions[self.index];237 238 239 240 // 3. 根据模型设置数据241 [self settingData:model];242 243 244 // 4. 动态创建"答案按钮"245 [self makeAnswerButtons:model];246 247 248 // 5. 动态创建"待选按钮"249 [self makeOptionsButton:model];250 251 252 }253 254 255 // 创建待选按钮256 - (void)makeOptionsButton:(CZQuestion *)model257 {258 // 0. 设置option view 可以与用户交互259 self.optionsView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;260 261 262 // 1. 清除待选按钮的view中的所有子控件263 [self.optionsView.subviews makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)];264 265 // 2. 获取当前题目的待选文字的数组266 NSArray *words = model.options;267 268 // 3. 根据待选文字循环来创建按钮269 270 // 指定每个待选按钮的大小271 CGFloat optionW = 35;272 CGFloat optionH = 35;273 // 指定每个按钮之间的间距274 CGFloat margin = 10;275 // 指定每行有多少个按钮276 int columns = 7;277 // 计算出每行第一个按钮距离左边的距离278 CGFloat marginLeft = (self.optionsView.frame.size.width - columns * optionW - (columns - 1) * margin) / 2;279 280 281 for (int i = 0; i < words.count; i++) {282 // 创建一个按钮283 UIButton *btnOpt = [[UIButton alloc] init];284 285 // 给每个option 按钮一个唯一的tag值286 btnOpt.tag = i;287 288 // 设置按钮背景289 [btnOpt setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"btn_option"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];290 [btnOpt setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"btn_option_highlighted"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];291 292 // 设置按钮文字293 [btnOpt setTitle:words[i] forState:UIControlStateNormal];294 295 // 设置文字颜色为黑色296 [btnOpt setTitleColor:[UIColor blackColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal];297 298 299 // 计算当前按钮的列的索引和行的索引300 int colIdx = i % columns;301 int rowIdx = i / columns;302 303 CGFloat optionX = marginLeft + colIdx * (optionW + margin);304 CGFloat optionY = 0 + rowIdx * (optionH + margin);305 306 // 设置按钮frame307 btnOpt.frame = CGRectMake(optionX, optionY, optionW, optionH);308 309 // 把按钮添加到optionsView中310 [self.optionsView addSubview:btnOpt];311 312 // 为待选按钮注册单击事件313 [btnOpt addTarget:self action:@selector(optionButtonClick:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];314 }315 316 317 }318 319 // 待选按钮的单击事件320 - (void)optionButtonClick:(UIButton *)sender321 {322 // 1. 隐藏当前被点击的按钮323 sender.hidden = YES;324 325 // 2. 把当前被点击的按钮的文字显示到第一个为空的"答案按钮"上326 //NSString *text = [sender titleForState:UIControlStateNormal]; // 获取按钮指定状态下的文字327 NSString *text = sender.currentTitle; // 获取按钮当前状态下的文字328 329 330 // 2.1 把文字显示到答案按钮上331 332 // 遍历每一个答案按钮333 for (UIButton *answerBtn in self.answerView.subviews) {334 // 判断每个"答案按钮"上的文字是否为nil335 if (answerBtn.currentTitle == nil) {336 337 // 把当前点击的待选按钮的文字设置给对应的答案按钮338 [answerBtn setTitle:text forState:UIControlStateNormal];339 // 把当前点击的待选按钮的tag值也设置给对应的答案按钮340 answerBtn.tag = sender.tag;341 342 break;343 }344 }345 346 347 348 349 350 351 // 3. 判断答案按钮是否已经填满了352 // 一开始假设答案按钮是填满的353 BOOL isFull = YES;354 // 声明一个用来保存用户输入的答案的字符串355 NSMutableString *userInput = [NSMutableString string];356 357 for (UIButton *btnAnswer in self.answerView.subviews) {358 if (btnAnswer.currentTitle == nil) {359 isFull = NO;360 break;361 } else {362 // 如果当前答案按钮上面有文字, 那么就把这个文字拼接起来363 [userInput appendString:btnAnswer.currentTitle];364 }365 }366 367 // 如果已经填满, 则禁止option view 控件与用户的交互368 if (isFull) {369 // 禁止"待选按钮"被点击370 self.optionsView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;371 372 // 获取当前题目的正确答案373 CZQuestion *model = self.questions[self.index];374 375 376 // 4. 如果答案按钮被填满了, 那么就判断用户点击输入的答案是否与标准答案一致,377 if ([model.answer isEqualToString:userInput]) {378 // 如果一致, 则设置答案按钮的文字颜色为蓝色, 同时在0.5秒之后跳转下一题379 // 0. 如果正确+100分380 [self addScore:100];381 //1. 设置所有的答案按钮的文字颜色为 蓝色382 [self setAnswerButtonsTitleColor:[UIColor blueColor]];383 384 // 延迟0.5秒后, 跳转到下一题385 [self performSelector:@selector(nextQuestion) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5];386 387 } else {388 // 如果答案不一致(答案错误), 设置答案按钮的文字颜色为红色389 // 设置所有的答案按钮的文字颜色为 红色390 [self setAnswerButtonsTitleColor:[UIColor redColor]];391 }392 }393 }394 395 // 根据指定的分数, 来对界面上的按钮进行加分和减分396 - (void)addScore:(int)score397 {398 // 1. 获取按钮上现在分值399 NSString *str = self.btnScore.currentTitle;400 401 // 2. 把这个分值转换成数字类型402 int currentScore = str.intValue;403 404 // 3. 对这个分数进行操作405 currentScore = currentScore + score;406 407 // 4. 把新的分数设置给按钮408 [self.btnScore setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", currentScore] forState:UIControlStateNormal];409 }410 411 412 // 统一设置答案按钮的文字颜色413 - (void)setAnswerButtonsTitleColor:(UIColor *)color414 {415 // 遍历每一个答案按钮, 设置文字颜色416 for (UIButton *btnAnswer in self.answerView.subviews) {417 [btnAnswer setTitleColor:color forState:UIControlStateNormal];418 }419 }420 421 422 423 // 加载数据, 把模型数据设置到界面的控件上424 - (void)settingData:(CZQuestion *)model425 {426 // 3. 把模型数据设置到界面对应的控件上427 self.lblIndex.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d / %ld", (self.index + 1), self.questions.count];428 self.lblTitle.text = model.title;429 [self.btnIcon setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:model.icon] forState:UIControlStateNormal];430 431 // 4. 设置到达最后一题以后, 禁用"下一题按"钮432 self.btnNext.enabled = (self.index != self.questions.count - 1);433 }434 435 436 // 创建答案按钮437 - (void)makeAnswerButtons:(CZQuestion *)model438 {439 // 这句话的意思:让subviews这个数组中的每个对象, 分别调用一次removeFromSuperview方法, 内部执行了循环,无需我们自己来些循环440 [self.answerView.subviews makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)];441 442 // 5.1 获取当前答案的文字的个数443 NSInteger len = model.answer.length;444 // 设置按钮的frame445 CGFloat margin = 10; // 假设每个按钮之间的间距都是10446 CGFloat answerW = 35;447 CGFloat answerH = 35;448 CGFloat answerY = 0;449 CGFloat marginLeft = (self.answerView.frame.size.width - (len * answerW) - (len - 1) * margin) / 2;450 451 // 5.2 循环创建答案按钮, 有几个文字就创建几个按钮452 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {453 // 创建按钮454 UIButton *btnAnswer = [[UIButton alloc] init];455 // 设置按钮的背景图456 [btnAnswer setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"btn_answer"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];457 [btnAnswer setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"btn_answer_highlighted"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];458 459 // 计算按钮的x值460 CGFloat answerX = marginLeft + i * (answerW + margin);461 btnAnswer.frame = CGRectMake(answerX, answerY, answerW, answerH);462 463 // 设置答案按钮的文字颜色464 [btnAnswer setTitleColor:[UIColor blackColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal];465 466 // 把按钮加到answerView中467 [self.answerView addSubview:btnAnswer];468 469 470 // 为答案按钮注册单击事件471 [btnAnswer addTarget:self action:@selector(btnAnswerClick:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];472 473 }474 }475 476 // 参数sender, 就表示当前点击的答案按钮477 - (void)btnAnswerClick:(UIButton *)sender478 {479 // 0. 启用option view与用户的交互480 self.optionsView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;481 482 // 1. 设置所有的答案按钮的文字颜色为黑色483 [self setAnswerButtonsTitleColor:[UIColor blackColor]];484 485 486 // 2. 在"待选按钮"中找到与当前被点击的答案按钮文字相同待选按钮,设置该按钮显示出来。487 for (UIButton *optBtn in self.optionsView.subviews) {488 // 比较判断待选按钮的文字是否与当前被点击的答案按钮的文字一致489 // if ([sender.currentTitle isEqualToString:optBtn.currentTitle]) {490 // optBtn.hidden = NO;491 // break;492 // }493 494 if (sender.tag == optBtn.tag) {495 optBtn.hidden = NO;496 break;497 }498 }499 500 // 1. 清空当前被点击的答案按钮的文字501 [sender setTitle:nil forState:UIControlStateNormal];502 503 504 }505 @end



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